I have had so many times the last few weeks that I go over what I have done that day. Knowing that I could do better, and be better. Looking for all the times I could have smiled and didn't. I am wondering if the reason I am doing this is because I am so tiered every night and know that the moment I lay down and my eyes are almost closed one of the kids will need me. I think I am afraid to go the sleep. If you told me that I could sleep more than 2 hours at a time I would laugh in your face...not the nicest thing to do. But I have had no sleep , so your bound to have the irrational me.
I wonder what it is that makes me want to go over what I can fix. I have a new day. New light. New strength and power from the Lord every day I wake up. Some days I know I am going to want to let the house become a danger zone and read all day. But what makes me think that it is ok to do that every day. No more..
I am going to do something new. All the I should have will be forgotten. I am going to do the best I can every day and not beat myself up for what wasn't done, but praise myself for what I did do. I have the power to become anything I want... Do I want to be a i should have or an I did. I will do something for me every day, even if all it is is that I wear cute socks, even if they don't match what I am wearing. tomorrow will be the day I make it. And anything is possible in it. Here's to smiling